NaW New version Kickstarter expected?

I was just curious if there is a plan to have a KS to upgrade NaW like y'all did to World at War? I really like this game system but not interested in current/WW3 era armor.
I am trying to decide if I should complete the NaW set.


The current Nation at War games are all retooled versions. There was an earlier version of them, but these are the current line. It would be nice to see more, new expansions, but my wallet is already in shock over currently purchases, hahaha. (ALL well worth every penny!!!).

Don’t give up on World at War’s WWIII platform. I was a firm WWII wargamer, but was lulled into Modern war with the original WaW series. The power on the battlefield is amazing, and you really need to think differently on your approach to battle, even with being platoon-levels. My advice: Try it!
Of course, NaW has a Bulge game slowly working its way through development; to be followed by Stalingrad - let's hope these make it to reality.

I love the WWII era also. My new Stalin's Triumph (delivered with my WaW pre-order) also included the brand new Rules and Scenarios (3.0) and a few Errata Counters. The physical package is very nice - MUCH nicer than the original 1.0 versions.

Sean Druelinger

Staff member
a Bulge game is planned for sure. Stalingrad is also in the works but some decisions need to be made on maps
Thank you