Offshore artillery


At the moment this is not modelled, but how easy/difficult would this be to implement? Obviously this feature would be extremely useful in any scenario that includes a seaborne invasion (Europe, North Africa or Far East).

I wonder if this could be modelled in a similar fashion to the way air strikes are. Currently we have the ability to specify the number of airstrikes assigned to a scenario in the scenario maker but these are randomisd in their time of delivery on the day they are specified, i.e. the player has no control of when these are called in. .


OK something went wrong when posting - what I meant to end up was by saying, is it possible to do something similar (i.e. specifying the number of airstrikes/offshore bombards) but having the choice of when offshore bombardments go in?




Instead of random availability it should be a matter of request and approve. And should be really an off-map arty feature. Designer would give a grid location. Designer would establish ammo quantities. There would be some probability guns are busy firing fire missions off map and perhaps fm is disapproved or relegated to on-map batteries. Busy guns would occur per some designed probability per minute a mission from off map is called for and fire. Volleys would then be random. Ammo quantities appropriately decremented..
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Just to clarify, my model proposes that the number of offshore fire missions is specified by the scenario designer but these are called in by the player at a time of their choosing. There are two reasons I use the airstrike analogy: first, I'd imagine this (offshore artillery) would be easy to code as there is already similar coding for airstrikes; second, airstrikes abstract the type of aircraft used - in a similar fashion for offshore artillery there would be no need to differentiate between the different calibres of guns on monitors, battleships or cruisers etc.

