Question Scenario 4

Do the Soviets have initiative during Scenario 4? If so is it one unit or all? I will post an AAR shortly of the just completed Scenario 4 game where once again my son crushed the Americans (me).


Keith Tracton

Staff member
Hi Michael! Glad your son is enjoying the game! ;) In scenario 4 neither side has the initiative. You just start the game with the regular operations phase: a card pull from the formation deck. to clarify, you only have an initiative phase if in the scenario rules it designates somebody has initiative.

Thanks for playing!
ah, perhaps big difference. I gave him an initiative and his tank battalion mushed my poor Fox Company. Appreciate the quick response.

Keith Tracton

Staff member
My pleasure! We on the design team are all hoping that there's lots of replayability in these scenarios, so give it another shot! No pun intended! :)
Played it twice - once with my son and once solo. The first time I played it, solo, I resolved that the Soviets should press on, dispersed, not firing but driving toward the north boundary. This approach was not successful for the Soviets. While they did come close to achieving the objective, Charlie Company and the US Helos were able to prevent them from exiting enough units off of the board. Again a very tense scenario that lasted until the last turn.

The second time, playing with my son, with Soviet initiative, was a very different affair. The Soviets started with bringing on the Tank Battalion in the Center of the board and blasted Fox Company, including the AA asset, along the center ridges. Fox Company was decimated and the remnants fell back onto Charlie Company who was moving up along the center valley in support.

Along the Eastern flank the BTR unit was advancing rapidly while the BMP units were moving in support of the Soviet Tanks.

The US left one tank platoon to stall the Soviet tanks in the valley and moved the remaining assets to stop the advancing BTRs.

While initially successful in stopping the Soviet infantry, they were stretched too thin and were unable to prevent both the Soviet Tank Battalion and the approaching Soviet Infantry.

Another wonderful scenario - the US Helos were shot down by turn 2, being deployed in an overly aggressive manner, but tremendous fun and no clear victor until the last 2 turns.
