Quick Rules Set using The Untold Stories


While I am impatiently waiting for WaW85 to arrive I was looking through the old World at War Rules, 'The Untold Stories' being the goto set of rules and I realised that it provides a quick play rule set in 15 pages for WaW85 which needed very few changes or additions

[changed HQs, Leaders, Formation Cards replacing Chits, mortars can direct fire and Designated Formations (Rubble from its expansion Paris is Burning, though not heroes or craters) dropped augmented FP and Conditional Morale .]

The rules apart from HQ/Leaders are largely identical to the original though the unit data, components, tables and Rules for Reference are a vast and appreciated improvement , especially the visual indicators for unit special abilities that apart from spotting eligibility saves looking up tables by unit type to check e.g. moving fire.

This is not a critism of the new rules and for reference is a a compliment as often poorly implemented in games, it keeps a game flowing if that elusive rule can be quickly found, itbis a possible missed opportunity.

David Heath

Staff member
There was a 40+page follow up to the rules needed to fill in all the areas around them. Also, keep in mind that the old manual is 8.0 - 9.0 font and the new rules are 12. font size this will add a bit more pages. Our object was to make it fast and simple to find a rule when need to get you back into play.



There was a 40+page follow up to the rules needed to fill in all the areas around them. Also, keep in mind that the old manual is 8.0 - 9.0 font and the new rules are 12. font size this will add a bit more pages. Our object was to make it fast and simple to find a rule when need to get you back into play.

Absolutely and a great job, no critism of the new rules and they form an excellent reference which the old ones do not, plus expand and clarify rules.

Thinking of a seperate quick play (updating them for changes) as many will be put off by the size regardless of the valid justification but a downloadable quick play ( and included in starter set) with a disclaimer that they are just to get started. Fantasy Flight, Catalyst Games(Battletech) etc are doing.

Encouraging new gamers. Almost every unboxing review starts with 144 page full colour .... A 20 page Quickstart rule book backed upmgy a Full colour Graphic rich complete rules and reference book, sounds more palatable.

After all it is not a complex wargame but could be wrongly perceived that way.