"Show Options Dialog" from main menu? (5.0.9)



a right click in the main menu of version 5.0.9 allows to click on "Show Options Dialog". This leads to a "Game Options" dialogue, that has only three options to change:

1) enable new style user interface
2) reduce weapon accuracies anti-personel fires
3) enable enfilade fire

Do changes made in this dialogue affect gameplay? And if so, what do these changes mean?
How fascinating! Well spotted Bosyk. Doesn't seem to change anything in the UI, as far as I can see. Reduce small arms weapons accuracy sounds interesting (if you were bothered about high casualty numbers), but 'enfilade fire'??? Isn't that already in, in some abstracted way?

What does it all mean, Dave?
Thanks for clearing this up, Dave! :)

And thanks for your work on the game. It's great! I hope the new way of distribution pays off for you as the developers.