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Two suggestions


Nov 17, 2022
I don't have many games played yet, but would like to suggest two rule changes. Maybe, for the first one, someone could explain the rationale behind it.

1. I know that the game slogan is fight the game, not the rules (or something on this line), but having mortars hit no matter the range and visibility feels strange. I know that this isn't a single shot, but like off-board artillery, I think some imprecision should take place, mainly when firing indirectly, which is kind of assuming perfect communication. Since there are already rules for of-board artillery and to-hit procedure, doing that wouldn't create any extra complexity.

2. The -2 DRM rally modifier for units on an hex with fire1 markers should be denied and shaken units in a fire2 hex should be forbidden to rally. Or, at least, deny the -2 DRM for fire2. It is kind of strange to see units getting shaken due to fire in the administrative phase, just to rally in sequence if there is a leader present. Most of the fire prone hexes also concede the -2 DRM, so that a morale 7 leader with some squads would rarely stay shaken on the next turn on a fire2 hex.

A doubt: Since vehicles must pass a damage check as if being attacked by small arms fire, I suppose that a completely armored (front/side/back) and buttoned vehicle is immune to fire. Is that so?

Stéphane Tanguay

Staff member
Aug 2, 2013
1. Mortar WT do have a range, the hex attacked must be spotted and it must be in LOS of either the mortar WT itself or a leader/advisor/scout, which will be marked ops complete after directing the mortar WT.. My guess (and it is only that, a guess) is that the mechanic of it make them as efficient as they were in real life They were quite precise but not that powerful. So it is a design for effect. My own beef wiht Mortar WT is having them being able to shake a buttonned up tank :)

2. I like the idea of denying the -2 DRM for rallying. It is easy to implement and it does seems strange that hexes prone to fire are the ones giving you the best chance to recover. Would have to think more about it but I made a note of it in my book. I myself do not play with the optional Fire rules so why don't you try it and report to me ? I would not go as far as denying the possibility to rally though.

3. No, it is "as if they were successfully attacked by small arms", not "as if they were attacked by small arms" so the fact that they could not be attacked by small arms in the first place does not matter


Nov 17, 2022
1. Well, I didn't play enough to evaluate it, if it is design for effect.

2. I didn't have enough situations with fire, but recently we experienced one such situation in which a 7 morale leader and a squad were shaken due to fire1 just to easily rally in sequence, due to the bonus. The probability of rolling a 9 or less on a two dice roll is 83%. So, even if the squads will be very probably shaken with a +4 on the damage check on a fire 2 hex, for example, the probability to rally is large, if you have a 7 morale leader. With a 6 morale leader it would still be large (72% or something like it).

3. Oh, I missed that.