Where is the Terrain Effects Chart?


I'm sure this is going to have an embarrassingly obvious answer, but....

As a new player of Heroes of Normandy, I can't seem to locate the Terrain Effects Chart. I was halfway expecting it to be a standalone player aid card, but it doesn't seem to be one of the 5 cards I got in the box. And I don't see any chart in the manual or scenario book, only references in the rules to the chart. Am I just blindly missing it somewhere?.

I see that the PDF of the LnL Tactical Starter Kit includes the TEC, but I cant seem to find the equivalent anywhere in the Heroes of Normandy box.

Can someone please give me a hint on where it can be found?


Staff member
It should be on one side of the cards you got in the box. If it's not then you are probably missing the TEC and should open a Support Ticket to get a replacement sent to you.


Ok thanks, I guess I was on the right track expecting it to be on one of the player aid cards. I'll try opening support ticket.