Where to start


Hi all,
Probably been asked before... i did a skim of the forum and didn't see it... I have zero Lock n' Load Tactical Series games... I am looking to jump in... Obviously it looks like Heroes of the Pacific is the logical starting point... but what else? I see the Battle Packs are in stock, but they appear to be for folks that have older modules. Is that correct? Is there value to getting the Battle Packs or anything else for that matter if I am mainly going to be focused on buying the upcoming new versions of the games?

Heroes of Normandy will be out shortly. That's a good place to begin. Heroes of the Pacific too. Heroes of the Nam will be out soon too, if something non-WW2 is more your thing. Within a couple of months, the entire series will be back in print.
Heroes of Normandy will be out shortly. That's a good place to begin. Heroes of the Pacific too. Heroes of the Nam will be out soon too, if something non-WW2 is more your thing. Within a couple of months, the entire series will be back in print.

I noticed on David's update about the series it didn't give a time frame on Heroes of North Africa... when is that one supposed to be coming out?
We are still working on that and we do not have a set date yet. I like to wait until I am sure we are going to make the date or at least be close. We also made all the core rules a free download in nice large print and the next edition of the manuals will have all the Examples of Play in them as well.

I see the Battle Packs are in stock, but they appear to be for folks that have older modules. Is that correct? Is there value to getting the Battle Packs or anything else for that matter if I am mainly going to be focused on buying the upcoming new versions of the games?


Yes, as you are new entrant to the LNL series of games I would echo Jeff's comments as to the games to start with and would clarify that the Battle Packs contain additional scenarios for earlier (and soon to be reprinted) games, they do not stand alone.

HotP is a logical starting point as you say as it's available BUT it depends on your area of interest, if the European campaigns are more your thing I'd wait for the re-releases of the Normandy or France 1940 games (or even go for the North Africa game)...

Mind you the more I see of the HotP the more I may break away from my European obsession and pick it up ;)...

Good back and forth here, too, about where to start.

How modern will the future releases be? Is there a possibility to play out urban scenarios where troops are taking on terrorists, for example?

Either Heroes of the Pacific (currently in very low stock) or Heroes of Normandy would be great places for the World War II era. Normandy has the latest rules and some expanded player aid cards. Next out the door should be Heroes of the Nam followed by Heroes of the Falklands. both part of our Modern era.


Either Heroes of the Pacific (currently in very low stock) or Heroes of Normandy would be great places for the World War II era. Normandy has the latest rules and some expanded player aid cards.

Are those player aid cards the same as the detailed player aids included in the demo? Those are fantastic! :D
Hlhartman - Look at Day of Heroes, a LNL Tactical trip through Somalia in the 1990's. And Days of Villainy, starring Colonel Ghaddafi. These might whet your appetite.