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Heroes of the Pacific Tabletop Simulator

Heroes of the Pacific Tabletop Simulator v1.0


LnLT Heroes of the Pacific - Now Available On Tabletop Simulator.

This module includes one scenario. If you own the board game edition you will be able to play any scenario provided in the board game. We will soon release the Spiral-Bound Module and Scenario booklets that can be used for online play without the need for the box editions. These booklets will include most game charts and tables.

Tabletop Simulator is an independent video game that allows players to play and create tabletop games in a multiplayer physics sandbox. Developed by Berserk Games.

Heroes of the Pacific
Link: https://bit.ly/TTS-HotP

You can find all of our Tabletop Simulator modules at
Link: https://bit.ly/TTS-Modules

TTS-Heroes of the Pacific.jpeg TTS-3.jpeg
David Heath
First release
Last update
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