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LnLT Compendium WW2 Vol.3 Vassal Module

LnLT Compendium WW2 Vol.3 Vassal Module v1.0

Here is LnLP Official expansion LnLT Compendium Vol. 3. Attached are several screenshots from the Vassal module in play. These show off the new custom UI buttons on the toolbar, which use graphics directly from the LnLT games in some cases, and they are all bigger and flashier than the stock Vassal graphics.

Additional things to look for is our new counter look, now with rounded corners and light shading. The maps and counters are all larger hi-res digital images designed to match the board game contents, which makes them all easier to see and read.

This Compendium Includes the following Scenarios and requires the following games to play:

The Road to Astrachan - HotM
In the Ghetto - HotM
Devils In Baggy Pants - HoN
Cassino Royale - HoN & Noville
Operation Nightwind - HotP
Attack of DAS Kochgeschirr - HoN
Bridgehead At Cauquigny - HoN
Expected Company - HoN
Bloody Crossroad - HoN
Hedgerow Hell - HoN
Big War in a Pocket - HoN
An Apple Cart for Jerry - HoN
The Brickyard 150 - HoN
Undaunted Courage - HoN
Daybreaker - HoN & Noville
Surrounded in Strass - HoN & Noville
Insanity At the Sanatorium - HoN & Noville
Teamwork - HoN & HotM
Tip of the Speirs - HoN & HotM
Pushing Back - HoN & Noville
One Last Blitz for Old Time’s Sake - HoN & HotM
Colditz Castle - HoN & Noville
Fortress Breslau - HoN & HotM
Fallschirmjäger Requiem - HoN
On Boys! On! On! - HoNA & DoH
Caricat! Charge! HoNA & DoH
Hare and Hounds with the Heins - HoN

We have added the following features in the v1.0

3D Dice
Dice Rolling Sound Effect
Unit Moving Trails

Once again we can not do this without the help of our fans and special thanks to Trent Garner and our community. Let us know what you think and give us some feedback.
David Heath
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Last update
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