Lock 'n Load Tactical System 1960 - Present
Core Rules Living Edition. In Chinese LnL战术级兵棋核心规则摘要V4.1
This is the latest set of guidelines and regulations for the game system. These rules present the core rules for the game system for modules taking place from 1960 to the present. Notable changes from previous versions of the rules (v3.1 and earlier) will be presented in BLUE text. Feel free to use these rules with previously published modules.If you have any game questions, or if you are just looking for other gamers with whom to chat, you can find quick replies on our
Forums: http://forums.lnlpublishing.com.
You can also find additional game resources such as scenarios, counters, special rules and other community-design ideas in our
Resource section: http://forums.lnlpublishing.com/resources.