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Nation At War Starter Kit

Nation At War Starter Kit v3.0 Rev1

Starter Kit.jpg

Not Sure if Nations At War is for You?

For gamers, it’s not always easy to know if what game system is the right one for you. We feel that Nations At War (NaW) is one of the best game systems out there; it’s quick to learn and fun to play. The idea behind the NaW Starter Kit is to put our money where our mouth is and prove it to you. The NaW Starter Kit gives you everything you need to try our game system and, in the process, turn you into a fan as well.

We provided these rules to give a full picture of our game system. Players can download FREE complete edition of our NaW v3.0 rules.

Nations At War - Play the Game Not the Rules

NaW Starter Kit v3.0 -
Nations at War 8.5 x 11 Starter Kit Cover.jpg Nations at War 8.5 x 11 Starter Kit Counters.jpg Nations at War 8.5 x 11 Starter Kit Map.jpg Nations at War 8.5 x 11 Starter Kit Rev 1-19.jpg Nations at War 8.5 x 11 Starter Kit Scenario.jpg

Additional NaW Resources

NaW Starter Kit Print Edition -
David Heath
First release
Last update
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More resources from David Heath
