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Victory and Glory: The American War Manual

Victory and Glory: The American War Manual v1.0 Rev16

Victory and Glory Core Rules PDF.jpg

Victory and Glory: The American Civil War game manual contains the latest set of guidelines and regulations for the game. Our goal is to present the rules in a straightforward manner without disrupting their existing structure and foundation.

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Direct Link: http://library.lnlpublishing.com/books/vtvc
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Victory and Glory: The American Civil War is a game of grand strategy and fast-play tactical battles where you take the role of either the Union or the Confederates and attempt to win. You will move your armies, fight great battles, recruit new troops, and conquer cities. The AI will control either the Confederacy or the Union forces in this great conflict!


Game Features

  • Re-fight the entire American Civil War!
  • Play either side: Union or Confederacy
  • Many specialized unit types that cover everything on land and water:
  • Rifles: smoothbore, rifled muskets, even repeating rifles, two types of artillery
  • ironclads, wooden warships, blockade runners, and river gunboats.
  • Almost 100 unique ‘Event Cards’ with artwork by Keith Rocco.
  • Each card implements special unit upgrades, advantages in battle, new recruits, historical events, or political events that can affect the struggle between North and South.
  • Land Battles can be resolved automatically, or with a more detailed tactical battle system.
  • Simple resolution for naval battles, gunboat attacks, and bombardment of port defenses.
  • Never plays the same way twice. Infinitely re-playable.
  • Solo play against a very challenging AI.


Several Settings:

  • 1861: fight as the Union or the Confederacy under historical conditions.
  • Alternate scenarios for the Union or the Confederacy including several ‘what ifs’
  • Multiple levels of difficulty,

  • 1). Play the Union against the Confederacy with border states of Missouri, Kentucky, and Maryland as independent regions between the two sides. (Washington D.C. is the Union capital and forms an exception to the border-state status).
  • 2). Play the Confederacy against the Union with border states of Missouri, Kentucky, and Maryland as independent regions between the two sides. (Washington D.C. is the Union capital and forms an exception to the border-state status).
  • 3). Play the Union against an expanded Confederacy with the states of Missouri, Kentucky, and Maryland having seceded and joined the Confederacy. This is an “alternate history” scenario, with the U.S. capital moved to New York City.
  • 4). Play an expanded Confederacy against the Union with the states of Missouri, Kentucky, and Maryland having seceded and joined the Confederacy. This is an “alternate history” scenario, with the U.S. capital moved to New York City.

Note: There will not be a Mac version of this game.
David Heath
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