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Search results

  1. N

    How to take advantage of "entrenched" units?

    A lot of the mission set ups have some units entrenched (at least for the defending side) at the beginning of a game, but often they are facing the wrong direction -- is there any way to get them change direction without redeploying? On a similar note, what formation are entrenched units in if...
  2. N

    How big a deal is altitude advantage?

    I know the manual says there are benefits, but how big are they? If my men are defending a hill 50 meters above attacking forces directly beneath, is that a very significant bonus? What if it's 100 meters? What about only 25? Just want to get a feel for how big a factor this is.
  3. N

    Is there a way to set interface to old CO1 style?

    I like the option to move things around, but being able to start at the "default" from the old version would make life a lot simpler for me... Is there a way to do it that I'm overlooking? If not, it'd be great if there was.
  4. N

    Any way to make patches compatible with Older version?

    Or is this simply not possible? If not possible, any chance I can get a discount on the "Commander Pack"?