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Search results

  1. Yskonyn

    Looking for opponent

    Hi nelmsm! Thanks for reaching out to me. I've just started a game with someone, so I am afraid I have to decline for now. I'll keep you in mind for when I have room for another game, though. Cheers,
  2. Yskonyn

    Looking for opponent

    Hello wargamers, I am looking to learn WaW 85 and so I am looking for an opponent. I would prefer playing over VASSAL rather than TTS as meeting up for live play proves to be a difficuly task for me due to irregular working schedules and family life. The PBEM format works a lot better. While...
  3. Yskonyn

    Max resolution

    Thank you, sir. Have a Merry Christmas and a great Newyear's Eve!
  4. Yskonyn

    Max resolution

    Thanks for looking into it. It would be very nice to be able to use the maximum zoom level.
  5. Yskonyn

    Max resolution

    Here are the screendumps. The first image is at one level zoom before max, the second two are at max zoom and show the map artifacts. The objective, orders and bridge icons do not show at their correct locations, nor do the unit counters. Also note the big grey 'bars' showing up when I try to...
  6. Yskonyn

    Max resolution

    I got the game with the X-mas sale! Thanks for that deal, very nice. It had already been on my wishlist for quite a while. I am trying to run the game on a 43" 4K monitor. The maps are vector graphics, so that shouldn't be too much of a problem, and I prevent scaling to keep the text dialogs...