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Search results

  1. T

    Poor Intel Event

    If the NVA/VC player chooses to move a Platoon which would leave a leader alone, does the leader come with? Makes thematic sense to bring him along..... If there were two Platoons in the hex, I assume the leader does not move. Also, presumably, the moved platoon is NOT subject to opp fire...
  2. T

    Surprise Contact Random Event

    First game, first turn, first event. Surprise Contact: "American player must place one NVA/VC Company.... within two hexes of an American unit". No US on the board yet; assume I ignore, true?
  3. T

    Which map do you use for Scenarios 1, 2 and 3?

    Unless I am missing something, only Scenario 4 tells you which map to use.....
  4. T

    Random Events

    In 4.0 it says a 1d6 is rolled to see if there is a random event and if there is an event, a 2d6 tells you what the event is. Question- what does the 1d6 roll need to be to get a random event? Where do I find that info?