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Search results

  1. X

    Strike Force Africa

    Looking forward to in and glad its making progress. Do we have any rough timelines on release? I'd imagine formations could roughly be the same, but equipment fit out would be rather further back on the tech spectrum. On the South African side, no Ratel ZT-3 (and definitely no Rookat's) ...
  2. X

    Strike Force Africa

    For Cuba - I do realize that you probably want to provide opposition for the Marines - but I wouldn't use T-62's, and restrict armor to T-55's as being accurate for this time period. Anyone - If you'd like any further information - please do not hesitate to ask
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    Strike Force Africa

    In respect of FAPLA, the below is a often quoted listing of losses around the 1987/88 Cuito battles. I don't want to get in to the debate on how accurate the information etc, but it certainly gives a indication on the equipment usage of FAPLA. 94 Tanks [My note - most likely T54/T55) 94...
  4. X

    Strike Force Africa

    HI All I've invested in the kickstarter - I'm really exited on the new World at War series , and in particular the potential module on Strike Force Africa I can understand the need for play balance, counter limitations and flexibility in hypothetical scenarios, but I have serious concerns on...