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  1. Wickedvicar

    Defense of Frankfurt - 1/3/50th Territorial?

    I knew I had seen KT talk about this issue, so I played it right.
  2. Wickedvicar

    Defense of Frankfurt - 1/3/50th Territorial?

    It didn't help in this scenario for the Territorials, they got steam rolled where I had them deployed.
  3. Wickedvicar

    Defense of Frankfurt - 1/3/50th Territorial?

    So the card may be wrong as printed. I will play it as 6/4/3.
  4. Wickedvicar

    Defense of Frankfurt - 1/3/50th Territorial?

    What are the correct stats for this HQ? The module Defense of Frankfurt scenario 01 has them listed as 6/4/3, but the cards are 7/5/4.
  5. Wickedvicar

    Desert Heat replacement counters and one probable missing counter

    I noticed both of these as well. I thought I was missing the French 6 PDR ATG.
  6. Wickedvicar

    Anti-aircraft fire clarification.

    I am a bit confused on the AA fire. Under the CAS AA explanation it looks like you could have a Blue FP/Blue To Hit unit fire full shots at CAS and add up to two other eligible units, Black or Orange FP, for up to an extra +2 FP. Would that be +2 FP of the dedicated AA unit? Do all the...
  7. Wickedvicar

    Map edge half hexes?

    I just saw your post and wondering this as well for Desert Heat.
  8. Wickedvicar

    Half hex movement.

    Can you move into and stop or move through the half hexes on the board edges?