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heroes against the red star

  1. David Heath

    Heroes Against the Red Star Vassal Module v2.4

    Here is LnLP Official Heroes Against the Red Star v2.4 Vassal Module. Attached are several screenshots from the Vassal module in play. These show off the new custom UI buttons on the toolbar, which use graphics directly from the LnLT games in some cases, and they are all bigger and flashier than...
  2. Timolution

    Finally got my batch of LnL Tactics modules but...

    So I finally got my big batch of LnL Tactics modules (Heroes of Normandy, Heroes of N Africa, Heroes of the Pacific & Against the Red Star) that I ordered through my FLGS here and I have to say that upon opening the boxes I was rather disappointed in the component quality tbh... :( More...
  3. David Heath

    Final Check On LnLT Games

    We received our final games for our last check. Here is a look at a few of the game boxes. Heroes Against the Red Star is in a 3" deep box, leaving more than enough room for expansion games and counter trays.
  4. David Heath

    The LnLT Games, and Why the Change

    Hi Guys, I have been getting asked this questions around the internet about the LnLT games that are coming out and why we changed the game titles. The name changes are simply us combining the older core games with expansion and giving you all items you needed to play in one box. A good...