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heroes of the motherland

  1. Itineranthobbyist

    Live Play A Bitter Holiday HotM

    Title says it all. Solo play of this scenario. German Victory by Turn 6 because there was no way the Soviets were pulling this off. Please let me know what I did wrong via the rules.
  2. David Heath

    Heroes of the Motherland Vassal Modules v2.3

    Here is LnLP Official Heroes of the Motherland v2.2 Vassal Module. Attached are several screenshots from the Vassal module in play. These show off the new custom UI buttons on the toolbar, which use graphics directly from the LnLT games in some cases, and they are all bigger and flashier than...
  3. David Heath

    Club Fantasci Review of Heroes of the Motherland

    Great review of Lock 'n Load Tactical Heroes of the Motherland from Club Fantasci https://goo.gl/aJyCXw
  4. David Heath

    Heroes of the Motherland v2.0 Vassal Module Available

    Here is LnLP Official Heroes of the Motherland v2.0 Vassal Module. Attached are several screenshots. These show off the new custom UI buttons on the toolbar, which use graphics directly from the LnLT games in some cases, and they are all bigger and flashier than the stock Vassal graphics...