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  1. David Heath

    Falling Stars Core Rules v1.5 Download Now Available.

    Falling Stars Roleplaying & Tactical Game System Core Rule Book now available in a downloadable PDF. This book describes a world for you, the players and Game Master, to build and tell your own stories in. Within the pages of this book, you will find details about the future in which the game...
  2. David Heath

    Falling Stars First Look and NPC's

    FREE Falling Stars PDF's NOW available. The first is Fallen Stars: First Look is a look into the RPG - Tactical system, Examples, and a Quick Guide. The second PDF is Fallen Stars: Data Burst NPC Codex. These and additional Falling Stars PDF can be downloaded at this link.
  3. David Heath

    Falling Stars - Role Playing Game and Tactical System Sample v1.0

    This is a sample PDF of the Falling Stars Beginners game. Assemble your friends and discover a future whose destiny lies in your hands. The Falling Stars Beginners Game is the fastest way path to the stars and beyond. The Falling Stars Beginners Game is designed to help introduce the exciting...
  4. David Heath

    Blank Character Sheet Portfolio for Falling Stars v1.0

    Falling Stars blank character sheet for making your own characters for use with our core book.