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  1. T

    LOS – Walls & hedges: five examples

    Tracing LOS through walls and hedges is a perennial source of confusion for my group. Here are five examples / questions, based on how I understand the rules. I'd appreciate confirmation or correction! Here's the map. Treat bocage as hedge. I am clear about these: 1. The German squad in...
  2. T

    Spotting & LOS within walls.

    Take a look at the photo below. I have a question with regards to both LOS and spotting. So my understanding of LOS is that in the image above, LOS is not blocked as walls don't "block LOS to a hex in which the Wall forms a hexside". That's the part I get. No commentary need on that. The...
  3. Ty Snouffer

    Walls and LOS

    Here's what I have for the LOS rules for Walls from the TEC If this is the situation (US firing at Germans) . . . Would LOS be blocked? I have a POV, but I wanted to get the community's ruling. Thanks!