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AI opponent surrendered - but doesn't make sense


Jun 7, 2015
Suffolk, VA
Was running through KOAD scenario Decision @ Bullingen looking for errors to fix. Experienced for first time AI opponent offering to surrender. This only makes sense to me in a Singapore or Metz forts situation. I do not believe a US Corps commander would surrender all forces on the battlefield when getting trounced. Instead the Corps with Army approval would withdraw to the next defensible line.

So instead of a request to surrender there should be a report from intelligence staff the enemy is defeated and is breaking contact and withdrawing. Do yo wish to end the game? If not the opponents forces would have as an objective an exit anywhere along the map edge where friendly supply points exist.

BTW: In this particular case several regiments were trapped such that the only route of withdrawal would be on foot. Everything but perhaps jeeps and motorcycles would have had to be abandoned. Not quite as bad as the 106th predicament.