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Container Location Update and WaW 85 Unboxing Video

David Heath

Staff member
Oct 14, 2014
Pueblo West, Colorado
There is a lot of information in this update so make sure to read all the way to the end.

Kevin Sharp from the Big Board Gaming (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMYlwbkqj6Rwo3iInOCbnPQ) of World At War 85 Storming the Gap Unboxing

US Containers on the One Competence is now docked in Tacoma, WA and we are waiting for the containers to be placed on a train and shipped to out. We will, of course, update everyone once we have more information.

UK/EU Containers on the MSC Mia is just south of Sri Lanka in the Indian Ocean. We have asked for an update on the arrival date to make sure we are on schedule date has not changed. We will, of course, update everyone once we have more information.

Asia/Australia orders could arrive and start shipping to customers during the upcoming week. Once I have a confirmation we will post it.

Pre-order prices are still available at https://store.lnlpublishing.com/series/world-at-war-85-series

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