Not that, then. Thanks.
I'm half way through day 7 (haven't yet read last part of your AAR, but look forward to it) and I think maybe everything is working as intended. No bases have run out of basics, though one (the LL base and it's HQ) have come pretty close at times. What I see, due to the way the SEPs are set up to reflect history, I assume, is that after day 4, certainly, almost all of the supply has to come from the Maleme airfield SEP and to reach my most furthest flung units that's almost 18km through territory that is littered with the enemy. Hence, in my game (the computer's game, actually - since I've just let the computer play itself at full speed) I have many units running out of basics at day 7 because their supply is continually being shot up. I recall that one of the changes made relatively recently (don't recall which update) was one to stop bases and HQs hoarding supplies for themselves whilst their front line troops starved. It may be that what we see now is the bases' and HQ's basic stocks running low (or out) if their front line troops are in difficulty. Hard to say without looking at a save for your game, Bie. But certainly, in my game, with the computer not having taken care to ensure clean supply lines, there has been heavy attrition of supply lines, personel and equiptment, resulting in many failed or suspended supply runs and this has hit the bases and HQs way back from the action, because, I assume, they are having to send stock down the line more, to try to replace that lost (more emergency requests). It may be that changes in the last 2 betas (I'm playing on the very latest beta) have also affected things to mitigate whatever was happening. So, it seems ok (or at least will be when you run the latest beta/update) but worth keeping an eye on it, for sure. I think, if you're running it from steam, that you can choose to use the latest beta in the settings for the game on steam. I would always do that rather than waiting for an official update. It means you're 'testing' the beta, of course, but we're all always testing the game in many ways, so why not have the latest changes?