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Cracking the Goose Egg

Guy Miller

May 13, 2015
United States
Well it's Christmas break so I have lots of time to get some CO2 in. After a marginal victory in the desert, I decided to try something in Belgium. So here it goes..

First major objective is St Vith. I do not want to try to go straight west through all the American Engineers in the woods, so I decide to engage & hold their attention with nearby forces. I will try an encirclement attack from the north & south so I will try set that up.

In the north the SS will attack up the narrow valley towards Poteu. Hopefully the defense will not be that strong as I cannot get that position flanked.

In the south I want to establish bridgeheads at Maspelt and Steffesheusen and break out with reserve forces to the north. North of Maspelt will turn into a southern attack on St Vith. Staffesheusen will open the door to further advances west.

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