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Rules (version 4.1) state that Weapon Teams with a gun size equal or larger than 13 mm cannot be set up in buildings. As there is no information on the counter of the WT of the NTC force, can I set it up in a building?
I assume you mean the KPV heavy machine gun. Since it is listed as having a 14.5 mm caliber, if we read the rules literally it should not be allowed in buildings. Furthermore, it has a TH table like ATGs and AAGs so I suppose it is to be treated likewise, but I'd like to read an official position on the matter from our trusted rules experts here.
In the actual version of the rules, Renzo is right but from a post Jeff made on BGG:
For the forthcoming V5.0 rules we changed it to read that non-MG Weapon Teams cannot be set up in Buildings. Thus the KPV can be set up in the Building. It has a to-hit table b/c like another poster pointed out, it's a capital-H Heavy MG.
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