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Feature Focus: Strategic Actions - Bloodlust

Philip Devine

Designer / Developer
Jul 23, 2014
Strategic actions are game-changing maneuvers or power ups that you can use once per turn. Players choose them between rounds based on their intended strategy on their next turn.

As an introduction to the types of Strategic Actions a player can enact, I'm going to demo the Bloodlust action. This is for players who want to initiate battle with an opponent who would normally be out of reach. It allows you to move one of your fleets twice in one turn, but requires that you move the units into a system containing enemy units

In the example below, you can see the player has a fleet that has already moved this turn. The Ryxe commander then clicks the Strategic action button, and the cursor starts pulsating to promp the user to choose a fleet they want to use it on. After choosing a fleet, they are again prompted to choose a system containing enemy units and initiate battle.

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