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Heroes of the Pacific at my door!


Mar 12, 2015
I want just to say how beautiful this game is!
I'm not a reviewer and I have not played HoP yet (though I am a big fan of LnL and owner of all the gamebof the serie!!!), but I have to say that unboxing HoP is a pleasure for eyes and hands.
I am one of the lucky pre-orderist (189/375) and so the first thing popped out was the certificate with the red seal with all the staff signatures. Not useful for gaming but a sign of "friendship" glad to see.
As a pre-orderist (does this word exist????) my game was enriched by X-maps...gorgeous! I Think once played on, we'll be unable to get back to standard ones.
New counters are terrific and easy to punch (my perplexities when I first saw them with the B&tJ were absolutely inappropriate) and once set on the map we have one of the best game out there from the graphical point of view.
LnL has set the new standard for countersheets!!!!
Also the cardstock used for charts and tables looks nice and durable.
Just glanced through the new rules and I've found many necessary improvements, though for some points I think I prefer the old 3.1 but on this I have to play a bit before to pronounce.
Thanks guys for your work.
New LnL is doing a hard and good work to keep our hobby on.
