Some images from tonights game. A historical meeting between the Polar Bears and 12th SS Hitlerjugend near Cristot.
The board wasn't quite finished, needs more foliage gluing on the bocage (in reality not much greenery left after typhoons and naval bombardment - but it looks nicer).
Some of the LOS situations weren't obvious. We use multi location hexes, The tank here is in the building hex in bypass of the building. The infantry is inside the building. We missed the Panther not pointing to a hex spine. Also, linear features like walls and bocage do not run down the hex sides, here the walls are not defining the building hex sides so block LOS. We use real LOS to unit centre. I can't comment much on this, I expected loads of issues and bought a line laser. In the event, we never had an issue of any note
Hero counter represents Stan Hollis VC.
The Shermans are just in undercoat, There is a magnet in the circular bit of the printed base that the steel base the miniature is attached to sticks to. The upper side has the normal stats and the reverse has the ordnance range/to hit in the white circle area and the shaken stats.
A red bar indicates shaken and and the white bar indicates Self Rally. There are 3 base sizes, a small one for the Bren Carrier, the Shermans are on the normal medium size, and the Panther is on the larger base indicating large size.
The size of the base physically limits the allowed position of units in hexes.
Units have 12th SS and Polar Bear insignia.
We had a good game, a few quibbles with rules and if there is any interest I will post some of our thinking.