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inglorious bastards


Jan 4, 2015
Those enemy AI controlled units that roam around your rear area , interdicting supply , calling arty on your base units and generally making a nuisance of themselves are irritating , distracting and entertaining in equal amounts . However this behaviour should be restricted to perhaps armour , paratroopers , commandos , guerillas , partisans and recon . Most units would not be sent on a " suicide mission " behind enemy lines alone , and routed units should not be allowed to recover and transform themselves into special forces .
Oct 20, 2014
Livonia, MI (Detroit-area suburb)
Those enemy AI controlled units that roam around your rear area , interdicting supply , calling arty on your base units and generally making a nuisance of themselves are irritating , distracting and entertaining in equal amounts . However this behaviour should be restricted to perhaps armour , paratroopers , commandos , guerillas , partisans and recon . Most units would not be sent on a " suicide mission " behind enemy lines alone , and routed units should not be allowed to recover and transform themselves into special forces .
I tend to agree.

A somewhat bothersome point to me is the relative ease with which cut-off units can contact their headquarters from deep behind the enemy front.

Particularly during the WWII era, radio communication was relatively new, somewhat imprecise in maintaining over the air connectivity, and available to most ground units as hand-carried items in the more technologically advanced nations later in the war.

I haven't checked lately, but the Estabs contained information on the allocate of communications equipment based on platforms (tanks, command vehicles and the like) but the communications capabilities of individual units did not track with the allocation of those platforms into the unit structure.

There was an assumption that foot units maintained communications via strung cables and the like, perhaps a given in a secure rear area for the friendly force. But, those same leg units absent the platforms with dedicated radios are capable of calling in instant artillery barrages or relaying real time enemy dispositions when isolated far in the rear of enemy forces which have bypassed and isolated them.

I wouldn't make it a crusade to straighten out the communications networking before other enhancements (dismounted operations for example), but would hope at some time that some linkage be established around the nation's technological capability and allocated availability of longer range communications equipment to units be used when determining which unit is more effective in notifying headquarters of the need for non line of sight bombardment (aircraft bombardment included) or enemy dispositions from isolated locations in the battlefield.
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