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[11.5] Armor Leaders


Dec 26, 2015
US & Bulgaria
[11.5] Armor Leaders
Can someone please explain how Armor Leaders work - thanks!
[11.5] Armor Leaders states “Armor Leaders are unique in that they share the fate of the tank they command. They cannot be wounded, but rather are Shaken, which represents the Shaking of the tank’s Crew. Their LM only affects their tank/vehicle’s attacks. Tanks with an Armor Leader assume the Leader’s Morale for all purposes and subtract the Leader’s LM from the die-roll for when rallying or performing Damage Checks”

Example - Sgt Rindt (Morale 7, LM 1) is the armor leader for an Sd.Kfz.222 (Morale 6). They are attacked by small arms fire which results in a Damage Check. For the Damage Check is the following correct:
1) I subtract 1 from the DC for Sgt. Rindt’s Leadership Modifier?
2) The results of the DC are compared to Sgt. Rindt’s Morale of 7 (versus the Sd.Kfz.222 morale of 6)?

If the DC results in Sgt. Rindt and the Sd.Kfz.222 being Shaken, what are the mechanics for the subsequent Rally Phase?
3) Do I roll to Rally Sgt. Rindt first? If Rindt Rallies then he applies his LM to the vehicle’s Rally and must roll a Morale Check <= 7 (not 6)?
4) I make one Rally Roll/Morale Check <=7 (for both Rindt and the Sd.Kfz.222) and subtract Rindt’s LM?

The part that’s confusing me is that the Armor Leader and the vehicle seem one, yet Leaders can’t modify their own rolls.

Finally, I’m confused by the section on the DRM explanation.
"The Armor Leader’s LM rating can be subtracted from to-hit rolls and added to machine-gun attack die rolls (but not HE-equivalent attack die-rolls). He can affect both in the same turn.”
5) What does the section "(but not HE-equivalent attack die-rolls)” mean? Does this mean that an Armor leader cannot add his LM to the to hit roll of Ordnance versus Infantry? Or is this saying that Armor Leaders cannot add their LM to the Attack Roll of an Armor Overrun? I don't understand where (other than on Overruns and Direct Fire) a Leader affects the Attack Roll.

Thanks in advance.

Stéphane Tanguay

Staff member
Aug 2, 2013
1) Yes.

2) Yes

3-4) You only make one rally roll, using the Armor Leader morale, modified by the Armor Leader LM. if, successfull, both the vehicle and the Armor Leader are rallied. In fact, in my games, I don't even bother to mark a vehicle with a Armor Leader as Shaken; I just flip the Armor Leader

5) An ordonnance attack agaisnt soft target is a two-die roll process. First, you try to hit and then, you try to inflict damamge using the HE equivalent. The Armor Leader LM is applied only to the to hit-roll, not the damage roll. The Armor Leader help you to hit the target but does not make the "bullet" more dangerous


Dec 26, 2015
US & Bulgaria
1) Yes.

2) Yes

3-4) You only make one rally roll, using the Armor Leader morale, modified by the Armor Leader LM. if, successfull, both the vehicle and the Armor Leader are rallied. In fact, in my games, I don't even bother to mark a vehicle with a Armor Leader as Shaken; I just flip the Armor Leader

5) An ordonnance attack agaisnt soft target is a two-die roll process. First, you try to hit and then, you try to inflict damamge using the HE equivalent. The Armor Leader LM is applied only to the to hit-roll, not the damage roll. The Armor Leader help you to hit the target but does not make the "bullet" more dangerous

Thanks ever so much Stéphane!