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Can Claymores Be Used At Range 0

David Heath

Staff member
Oct 14, 2014
Pueblo West, Colorado
Question: Can claymores be used at range 0?

The rules seem to assume the player will deploy them when the enemy is well away and they are triggered when the enemy moves adjacent (as an opfire-like reaction), but what if the enemy is already adjacent and they move from adjacent into the player's hex to engage the player in Melee. Trigger or not?

Similarly what happens if the player is in a bunker and deploys it. I suppose it should be shown as outside the bunker, inside doesn't make much sense. But what if there are enemies already outside the bunker?

Buildings are similar, enemies could be adjacent or actually already in the hex but on a different floor when a claymore is deployed - where does it go and can it trigger when they try to move into melee?



Claymore rules could use some clarity, no doubt. Good questions.

If they are adjacent and you deploy it attacks them then and there if GO eligible unit is there to make it explode (doesn't require an impulse). Thus it could only ever happen at range 0 unless if the owning player decides not to use it at range 1 and for some crazy reason wants to let the enemy enter their hex and then pop it off, which makes no sense tactically as there is no benefit to it, just the risk of Melee. Better to pop it off at range 1, if it doesn't stop the enemy you can still Op Fire.

A player inside a Bunker can deploy it, but I think the rule should be amended so it attacks wither the hex the bunker is in or an adjacent hex.

If deployed in a Building it works as per normal. The only stipulation I think that needs clarity is that if deployed on the upper level of Building it can only attack the lower level of the Building hex, not an "actual" adjacent hex. B/c you're technically deploying them in your hex and they explode outward and it wouldn't work from Upper Floor to outside ground Level whereas if from a Level-1 Hill to Level-0 is outside and blast would be positioned accordingly.

Claymores were a Nam thing first (and then Red Star) and I think the Jungle usage never considered Buildings, or Bunkers for that matter.