FIXED 5.1.126 - commandops.exe has stopped working

Dave 'Arjuna' O'Connor

Panther Games Designer

Could you please download and install the latest build 5.1.125 and see if this fixes your problem. The trouble is you will have to play a new game rather than use on of your saves as these already have the error embedded and hence running them will probably still produce the error. Thanks.

Guy Miller

sure thing Dave, I will do that. I got 2/3 way through one of the "KOAD" scenarios and it stopped too. But I am persisitent because I really enjoy this game. I am currently playing the Malame Campaign (which I am posting on the AAR forum) and am 5 days into it with no issues. After I complete that, or it crashes, I will download the newer version.

Thanks again.


I've patched up to the latest 5.1.25 but still get this crash both with my modified estabs and without. Can someone point me in the direction of an older (i.e. pre 5.1.24 and 5.1.25) patch to see if these still work.

Kind regards



Look in your CO2 root folder and you will see a folder called patches. It has all the previous patches that have been downloaded. Unless you deleted them already.



Thanks Jon, but no joy. When I install 5.1.22, 5.1.25 still shows and I still get the crash.



Guy Miller

I updated to 5.1.125 and still get the "commandops.exe has stopped working" message when I tried to complete Marsa el Brega. I emailed Dave my save files.

Weird, because I just completed an entire "Malame Historical Campaign" with no problems.

Mad Mike


I am playing "Assault on the Sauer" and get a reproducible crash on D2, 13:58, when I play the game from the last Autosave taken at around D2, 13:30. After loading the save, I only let the game run, without making any adjustments or giving any orders.

I have attached the file, maybe it is useful to find the cause of this crash.




  • Assault on the Sauer_D2_13_58
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Guy Miller

Dave, sorry to be bother. And I know it's the holidays so I don't expect to hear from you until next week. I was running Cracking the Goose-egg scenario (see AAR) and it kept crashing at 18:00hrs Day 2. Same message "commandops.exe has stopped working."

I truly think this game is amazing but I will have to wait until this is resolved before I pick it up again.

Happy New year


I have crashes at the same time in the Joe's Bridge Scenario. Never happened before. I have the latest update to Command Ops. I will send 2 save games for evaluation and comment. Thanks.

Guy Miller

one common thing I noticed about most of my "commandops.exe has stopped working" crashes is that is usually happens around dusk, nightfall. hope that helps in finding a fix.
I have been having the same issue just at 6pm game time at Dusk, but also building a bridge at the same time, Maybe dusk is a time that the game looks at bridge building as bridges where a previous error as well.

Just a thought,

Dave 'Arjuna' O'Connor

Panther Games Designer
Interesting Derrick. Do you have a save before the bridge completes? If so, please send it to me at support[at]panthergames[dot]com. Have you tried abandoning the bridge construction and then seeing if the game still crashes at that time?
here is a saved game at 1800 hrs it will crash.It always does even in new game very repeatable.



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Guy Miller

Dave, have you had a chance to look at all the saved files I have sent? Not to be a pest of anything, but i first reported this on December 17. I have tried 6 scenarios and only been able to finish one. I REALLY enjoy CO2 and hope to continue, but I just can't until this gets resolved. Can you give me a reply please?

Dave 'Arjuna' O'Connor

Panther Games Designer
Guy, the short answer is no. I was flat out before Xmas getting the 5.1.125 build out which I hoped would have fixed your issue. I have been on leave since. I'm supposed to be taking off this week as well and am not scheduled to be back on deck till the 11th. If I get some time I will otherwise it will have to wait till next week.
Yet another Scenario , no Bridges this time but crash at 18:00 hrs. Saved game 1 minute or so before.


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