Long Range Fire on 6+ to hit units


Hi all,

The rules for firing at long range state that it increases the to-hit value by 1. How does this relate to units with a basic to-hit value of 6?

Does this essentially mean that this unit can only fire at Effective Range as a 7 can't be rolled on a D6?


Devin Heinle

Staff member
nope. Max to hit is always a 6. so that unit with a to-hit of 6 CAN fire at extended range..and the to-hit remains at 6

rule check
10.6.15 Maximum To-Hit penalty-The maximum To-Hit value after all modifiers are applied shall never be more than 6.

also should keep in mind the next rule after that as well....
10.6.16 Minimum FP dice penalty-The minimum FP dice after all modifiers are applied shall never be less than 1.