PC Gamer's "The 20 best wargames of all time "

Good to see CO there. Some of the others are surprising, for me - hardly worth a mention, imho. I've played all of them sadly.
I thought this was a pretty good list. Of course, it's great to see Command Ops getting some recognition. But also, it's great that someone in the gaming press knows enough about war games to put together a list with games like Command Ops, Graviteam Tactics, Falcon 4.0, etc. on it. Most places would probably write "Best wargames ever: Call of Duty 4, Battlefield 4, Ace Combat 19,…" <sigh>.
If you are driving a tank or flying an aircraft, then it is a version of First Person Shooter - not a wargame.

Of the 20 listed, only 4 are actually wargames. Of those only 2 are to my taste.

The list is a dumb list.
That depends on your definition of "wargame." To me, a wargame is playing in wartimes or in armed conflict that amounts to the level of interstate war. Call of Duty is a wargame in that sense.

To add to that, I came to no longer use the word "Strategy game" as much as I used years back to describe "top-down view - giving orders game", I only use it for games that actually play out on the strategical level. Respectively I describe Co as operational level wargame etc., thats why I loved Matrix for actually acknowledging the different dimensions of warfighting and create subcategories for them in the search function.

I don't know for sure though how to describe games like Warcraft, or Command & Conquer. I started t call them "maneuvergames", or tactic-games (not the same as tactical-level wargames).

I don't think the list is "dumb", I think the question is conceptually flawed. To ask for the top 20 wargames is just very ambitious, and brings along questions of what "wargames" actually are.

On a sidenote: Do we have an off-topic, or "General Discussion" area on the forum, except for the unsorted postings on the top page of the CO2 subforum?


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I don't know for sure though how to describe games like Warcraft, or Command & Conquer. I started t call them "maneuvergames", or tactic-games (not the same to tactical-level wargames).
I think RTS are degenerate strategy/grand strategy games. They are flashier and more degenerate offspring of the famous degenerate turn-based grand strategy game - Empire.