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A Wing and a Prayer Update Package

A Wing and a Prayer Update Package 2.4d

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A Wing and a Prayer v2.4d Update is Now Available as a Free Download

We would like to announce the latest version of AWaaP is now available online as a download. We like to thank Jan Horinek for his considerable time to develop this update. Jan has corrected and improved many of the rules, added a few new rules, improved the charts and tables, adjusted the scoring system, and put it on a more historical timeline bringing even more tension into the game.

We would be amiss not to thank designer Erik von Rossing, for bringing us this wonderful design.

Get the update here (the yellow download button in the top-right hand corner)

Updated contents:
Manual - A new completely rewritten manual
Single Player Tables
Two-Player Tables
Briefing Card
Escort and Mission Track
1 Player Turn Sequence
2 Player Turn Sequence

This thread is a bunch of after-action reports from the full-length campaign played by the 2.4 rules on BGG.

This thread has some of the pre-release discussions about the v2.4 update development on BGG.
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David Heath
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Latest updates

  1. A Wing and a Prayer Update Package

    We would like to announce the latest complete version of AWAAPP v2.4d is now available to...
  2. A Wing and a Prayer Updated Card #2

    Here are all the files from v2.4 update plus the updated AWAAP Single Player Tables Rev9.pdf...
  3. A Wing and a Prayer Updated Card

    This is the updated AWAAP Single Player Tables Rev8.pdf fixes all known errors.