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Heroes of the Nam Module Rules

Heroes of the Nam Module Rules v1.0

In Heroes of the Nam, forces from the Army of the Republic of Vietnam (ARVN), the United States Army and Marines, as well as their valiant Anzac allies from Australia and New Zealand, take on determined enemies from the North Vietnamese Army (NVA) and the unpredictable Viet Cong (VC). Powerfully armed Squads are at the vanguard of all actions, spurred on by daring Leaders and other unique individuals such as Snipers, Medics, Corpsmen, Chaplains, Advisors and, of course, Heroes, whose unique skills and sudden appearance can alter the tide of any battle. Helicopters, tanks, and armored personnel carriers (APCs) also join the fight. Test your mettle in over 25 action-packed scenarios. Only the heroic will be victorious.

Heroes of the Nam depicts squad-level combat during the Vietnam War. Presented here are the module-specific rules. All section numbers in these module rules work off of Lock 'n Load Tactical system's v5.1 Core Rules.
David Heath
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    Module Rules with Skill Cards