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Space Infantry Resurgence Core Rules PDF

Space Infantry Resurgence Core Rules PDF v2.1 Rev35

Space Infantry Resurgence.jpg


Space Infantry: Resurgence is a robust gaming system based on a unique solitaire game, and has been further expanded to provide both co-op and two-player modes of play.

In Space Infantry Resurgence you command an elite squad of veteran Space Infantry soldiers taking on the daunting task of fighting against unknown alien foes, through challenging environments, using only the weapons and tools brought with you, or whatever can be scrounged along the way in order to achieve victory.

Space Infantry Resurgence v2.0 rules manual contains the latest set of guidelines and regulations for the Space Infantry Resurgence system. Our goal is to present the rules in a straightforward manner without disrupting their existing structure and foundation. For clarity some rules sections have been modified, not with content, but with a new structure e.g., additional subsections and more bullet points. Additional cross-referencing of rules expanded unit-image diagrams, and a detailed Glossary has also been added.
David Heath
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  1. Space Infantry Resurgence Core Rules PDF

    We expanded and correct any found errors in the older editions of the Core Rules. LnLP now...
  2. Space Infantry Resurgence Core Rules PDF

    Minor updates and corrections.
  3. Space Infantry Resurgence Core Rules PDF

    Here is the latest update to the Core Rules for Space Infantry Resurgence.