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Tank On Tank: East Front - Optional Replacement Counters

Tank On Tank: East Front - Optional Replacement Counters 2021-07-25

When we released Tank On Tank: East Front we made a poor color choice by making the utility counters the same color as the Soviet counters. This caused a lot of gamers to think they were missing counters. This is NOT correct. You only need one set of utility counters and not ones for both German and Soviet forces.

One of our customers asked us if we could provide a set of utility counters in both German and Soviet colors. The simple answer is yes we can, you will need to print them out and either glue them to the backs of the Soviet utility counters or simply make your own. We have provided both sets of utility counters.

New: In some games, the Semovente units are listed as 2/3 and it should be 2. The Zrinyl units are listed as a 3/4 and should be 4. We have included them as well for those wishing to update those units.

Sorry for any confusion this may have caused.
  • Tank on Tank East Front Correction Sheet Cut Lines.jpg
    Tank on Tank East Front Correction Sheet Cut Lines.jpg
    133.5 KB · Views: 390
David Heath
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  1. Tank On Tank: East Front - Optional Replacement Counters

    In some games, the Semovente units are listed as 2/3 and it should be 2. The Zrinyl units are...

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So useful! Thanks!!!