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Search results

  1. Erik von Rossing

    Designer's Comments

    I know David Heath plans to post the entire Rules eventually, but, when that occurs is up to him. Like you, I always wanted a "Playable" solitaire Bombing Campaign Game. I own B-17: Queen of the Skies and liked many elements of that game, however, I felt I needed something more. I have read...
  2. Erik von Rossing

    Designer's Comments

    Hello, Tony. There are quite a few differences between the original P&P rules and the L&L Version. The basic Mission resolution system is relatively the same and owners of the original will not have a big learning curve to understand the new version. We tried to make the new version more robust...
  3. Erik von Rossing

    Designer's Comments

    The Game is designed for both Solitaire and two Player. When playing Solitaire, you play as the U.S.
  4. Erik von Rossing

    Preview of Game Components

    Greetings, David Heath sent me some photos of the pre-production game components and they look great! I am very excited about this game and its quality of production; Dave, Blackwell and Christia have done an amazing job putting this game together. Thank you. Attached are photos of some of the...
  5. Erik von Rossing

    Designer's Comments

    This version will have Crew Counters with the named Crews on them and not on the Bomber Counters. This tended to work out better with the Counter layout.
  6. Erik von Rossing

    Designer's Comments

    Hello, my name is Erik von Rossing and I am the designer of A Wing and a Prayer. I am very excited about the publishing of this game and think that gamers will have a lot of fun playing it. A Wing and a Prayer was initially published by my company, Berserker Games, as a Print & Play Game called...