LnLP Forums and Resource Area Closing At The End of the Year

After careful consideration, we have made the decision to close the LnLP forums due to decreased activity, as the community has largely transitioned to other social media platforms. Going forward, all community engagement will be centralized on our Discord server. Game manuals will continue to be available in our Online Library, which now also includes our new AI Assistant. The AI Assistant is designed to answer a wide range of game rule questions and can guide you to the relevant sections of the manual. For the best experience, we encourage you to interact with the LnLP community via our Discord and Facebook pages. All support-related inquiries will be handled through our dedicated support site. LnLP Discord Server: https://discord.gg/FCj7EuqMxB


  1. Tainster

    Estab won't compile

    Hi. I have an estab file that won't compile. This has happened to me before but this tiime, although the process runs without errors, it always stops at the same place. I've had a look at the file using Notepad++ and everything seems to be in order. Can someone suggest where the problem...
  2. Tainster

    Establish won’t compile

    I have an Estab that won't compile from Estab Editor and if I try to compile it using Estab Manager it crashed the programme. This is not the only Estab file that causes problems. The same thing happens on 2 computers both of which have decent specifications. Is there something I’m missing?
  3. Tainster

    Establish won’t compile

    I have an Estab that won't compile from Estab Editor and if I try to compile it using Estab Manager it crashed the programme. This is not the only Estab file that causes problems. The same thing happens on 2 computers both of which have decent specifications. Is there something I’m missing?
  4. Tainster

    Estab won't compile

    I have an Estab that won't compile from Estab Editor and if I try to compile it using Estab Manager it crashed the programme. This is not the only Estab file that causes problems. The same thing happens on 2 computers both of which have decent specifications. Is there something I’m missing?