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lnlt solo

  1. David Heath

    LnLT Solo Player Aid Cards Resized to 8.5 x 11 Cards Only v1.5

    Lock 'n Load Tactical Solo Cards Owners of the LnLT Solo expansion module can download v1.5 LnLT v5.0 updated edition of the 8.5 x 11.0 player aid cards. This corrects some minor errors and provides a new card for Banzai charges. LnLT Solo can be played without this update but has been made...
  2. David Heath

    LnLT Solo Manual & Player Aid Card Update v1.5 Rev5

    LnLT Solo - Play Anytime, Anywhere with Any Game in the Series. This updated manual for the LnLT Solo has a few rule clarification and corrects some minor errors on the Player Aid Cards. We have added a new Player Aid Card for Banzi Charges. LnLT Solo can be played without this update but has...
  3. David Heath

    LnLT Solo Reduced 8.5 x 11.0 Player Aids v1.1

    If you own LnLT Solo expansion game this download will provide you the player aid cards in an 8.5 x 11.0 / A4 format for smaller player aid cards.
  4. Jp1971

    Module and Solo Rules PDFs

    Hi, Apologies in advance if this has been answered elsewhere. I searched but wasn't able to find an answer. Are there currently plans to release specific module books (e.g. Heroes of the Nam) and the Solo Rules in PDF? If not, I'd like to request that they be made available in some manner...