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  1. S

    Initiative - Bombardment

    Question - When a side has initiative in the scenario and also has off board arty, can they spot prior to actually coming on board? Example: Scenario 12 of Storming the Gap: The Soviets have initiative with two formations. Soviets also have off board HE and off board smoke. Can either of...
  2. Nick DelCorpo

    Smoke from Mortars

    I have searched high and low but have found nothing. Does anyone know if smoke is allowed to be fired from mortars. Me and my pop are just house ruling smoke rule. Basically we are going to use the standard mortar indirect fire procedure and if it hit will then place a smoke 1 marker in the...
  3. Larry27A

    HATRS Vehicle/Arty/Mortar smoke placement?

    OK, I've looked all thru the rules (HATRS), and I cannot find rules for vehicle smoke dischargers, smoke rounds, mortar/OBA smoke availability. Where is the info, please?