Fantastic. Will get them and try.
Trying to get Breskid set up. File names in Polish. There are 3 scenario files (cos). Which do I need?
Beskid_wysp_zach (Island Beskid West) is historical. Only 10 BK (Cavalry Brigade) and 2 p KOP (reg. of Border Defence Corps) involved on Polish side.
Second one (Beskid_wysp_zach_sf) is fictional, but possible in theory. Two existing polish motorized cavalry brigades and two light tank battalions on Polish side. Plus third tank battalion and heavy art. battalion as reinforcements
Third one (Beskid_wysp_zach_sf2) is purely fictional. A Polish armored division is introduced.
If you wish I can translate scenario briefings to English.
In the estab file I used German for german forces naming and Polish for polish forces respectively. I'd like to keep like that, so some basic translations from Polish here:
Brygada (B, Bryg.) - Brigade
10 Brygada Kawalerii (10BK) - 10th Cavalry Brigade
Warszawska Brygada Pancerno-Motorowa (WBPM) - Warsaw Armoured-Motorized Brigade
Wileńska Brygada Kawalerii (WBK) - Cavalry Brigade of Wilno
Grupa Operacyjna (GO) - Operational Group. In polish army it was equivalent of a Corps.
Baza zaop. - supply base
Dywizja Piechoty (DP) - Infantry Division
Pułk (P) - Regiment
Puk Piechoty (PP) Infantry Regiment
Pułk Strzelców Konnych (PSK) - Mounted Rifle Regiment
Pułk Ułanów (PUł., PU) - Uhlan (Lancers) Regiment
Pułk Strzelców Pieszych (PSP) - Foot Rifle Regiment
Korpus Ochrony Pogranicza (KOP) - Border Defense Corps.
Dywizjon (Dyon) - tactical unit used in Polish cavalry between squadron and regiment level - usually two squadrons.
Szwadron (Szw.) - Squadron
Batalion (Baon) - Battalion
Kompania (Komp.) - Company
Pluton (Pl) - Platoon
Dywizjon Art. Ciężkiej (DAC) Heavy Artillery Battalion
Bateria (Bat.) - Battery
Haubica (Haub.) - Howitzer
Armata (Arm.) - Infantry Gun
Czołg (Cz.) - Tank
Piechota (Piech.) - Inafantry
Rozpoznawczy (Rozp.) - Reconnaissance
Zwiadowczy (Zw.) - Reconnaissance, Intelligence
Saper (Sap.) - Engineer
Rezerwowy (Rez.) - Reserve (second order of mobilization)
Przeciwlotniczy (Plot) - AA
Przeciwpancerny (Ppanc) - AArm
Pancerny (panc.) - Armoured
karabin maszynowy (kar. masz.) - machine gun
CKM - heavy machine gun
rkm - light machine gun
mozdzierz (mozdz.) - mortar
Strzelec (Strz.) - Rifleman
motocykl. - motor bike
motokosz - motorocycle with sidecar
kolarze (kol.) - cyclists