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A feature I would like to see.....


Oct 24, 2014
Georgia, USA
Lets say I give a company an order to pursue and engage an enemy straggler unit while the parent battalion remains in a defend position. That order will have a start time and end time which I can manually adjust if I want to.
The feature I would like to see would be for the Company to automatically "call in" and reattach itself to the Battalion and assume the orders the rest of the battalion is executing once the END TIME for the order has been reached. In other words, it would not remain where it is with no orders until I notice it and reattach it but would instead move back into position with its organic battalion and assume the defend order.
In its original order to pursue the enemy, I could give the company all the time I felt it needed to accomplish the task (even to the end of the scenario) plus I could always reattach it manually if I want to. What do you think?


Oct 22, 2014
Vancouver BC, Canada
Lets say I give a company an order to pursue and engage an enemy straggler unit while the parent battalion remains in a defend position. That order will have a start time and end time which I can manually adjust if I want to.
The feature I would like to see would be for the Company to automatically "call in" and reattach itself to the Battalion and assume the orders the rest of the battalion is executing once the END TIME for the order has been reached. In other words, it would not remain where it is with no orders until I notice it and reattach it but would instead move back into position with its organic battalion and assume the defend order.
In its original order to pursue the enemy, I could give the company all the time I felt it needed to accomplish the task (even to the end of the scenario) plus I could always reattach it manually if I want to. What do you think?

Nice idea!