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Air combat questions

Aug 13, 2017
Orland Park, IL
On my third mission to Amiens, I was on the return flight two boxes from the English base over water when I rolled a four on the formation events table. Then I rolled a seven for enemy fighters and got 6 FW-190s. Since I was on the return trip, my fighter escort was gone. I skipped the fighter versus fighter air combat and went right to the interceptors versus bombers air combat. I had the first wave of four interceptors attack for randomly selected bombers. The bomber defensive fire damaged two of them. The two good interceptors and the two damaged interceptors then attacked the bombers damaging one of them. Now for the questions that arose from this cCombat:
#1. Rule 9.2.8 states that there are two rounds of combat before the interceptors break off and head for base. Do the damaged interceptors fight a second round of combat?
#2 if the damaged interceptors do come back for a second round of combat and are damaged again, are they destroyed or merely damaged or victory point purposes?
#3 after the second round of combat from the four interceptors, I did a first and second round of combat with the remaining second wave interceptors. They both attacked the same bomber. I assume that bomber got a defensive shot against each of them. Is that correct?
4. My next mission is to Romilly. Can I take a slightly longer route to use the escort rendezvous box directly below Rouen and try to get a new escort at that location or do you need to take the shortest route?
Sorry to be such a pest but there is no YouTube video of the play of this game.
Tom Konczal

Tony Costa

Mar 11, 2017
Pittsburgh, PA
Thanks Tom,
#1 Yes

#2 Destroyed

#3 Yes
However...if I understand your question and game situation (mission to Amiens requires 6 Bombers) there shouldn't have been a second and third wave of attacks necessary. Unless somehow your roll generated 8 Interceptors, the +2 loose formation modifier maybe? But even then see below:

Rule 9.2.4 "If the Enemy has more than 4 Interceptors attacking all the Elements, the extra Interceptors will attack in a second (or third) Wave"
So basically every Element has to have 4 Interceptors attacking before a second wave is formed.

#4 You can take whichever route you choose, it's your decision :)

Please no need at all to apologize, you're not being a pest by any means. -Tony
Aug 13, 2017
Orland Park, IL
Thanks Tom,
#1 Yes

#2 Destroyed

#3 Yes
However...if I understand your question and game situation (mission to Amiens requires 6 Bombers) there shouldn't have been a second and third wave of attacks necessary. Unless somehow your roll generated 8 Interceptors, the +2 loose formation modifier maybe? But even then see below:

Rule 9.2.4 "If the Enemy has more than 4 Interceptors attacking all the Elements, the extra Interceptors will attack in a second (or third) Wave"
So basically every Element has to have 4 Interceptors attacking before a second wave is formed.

#4 You can take whichever route you choose, it's your decision :)

Please no need at all to apologize, you're not being a pest by any means. -Tony

Reply to your #3: After rolling for FW one 90s, I rolled a D6 and got a six which meant there were six interceptors. I had no escort at this point and assumed that the last two interceptors had to attack in a separate second wave. I gave them to attacks in the second wave. Hope that was correct.

Tony Costa

Mar 11, 2017
Pittsburgh, PA
Also check Rule 9.4
You only form a second (third) wave if all Elements (every Element) in the Formation has 4 Interceptors attacking it.

If I'm reading the situation right you have two Elements (6 total Bombers for Amiens mission), therefore a total of 8 Interceptors is necessary (4 on each element) before a second wave is formed. You would have needed to generate 9+ Interceptors for a second wave.

Unless somehow you are down to only one Element (3 Bombers)? Maybe I missed that in your first post.
Aug 13, 2017
Orland Park, IL
Also check Rule 9.4
You only form a second (third) wave if all Elements (every Element) in the Formation has 4 Interceptors attacking it.

If I'm reading the situation right you have two Elements (6 total Bombers for Amiens mission), therefore a total of 8 Interceptors is necessary (4 on each element) before a second wave is formed. You would have needed to generate 9+ Interceptors for a second wave.

Unless somehow you are down to only one Element (3 Bombers)? Maybe I missed that in your first post.

No, you are correct. I reread the rules and understand it better now. I also assumed that, for their second attack, the interceptors reroll to determine which bombers they attack on the second attack. Is that correct?