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Any word on better 4k support?


Jan 16, 2021
I've recently started playing, and I'm .really enjoying it, I'm pretty sure I'll pick up a few DLCs when I'm done with the base game(any recommendations?)!

Now I am having one main and one minor issue with the game, that's really spoiling my experience stemming from me playing in 4k. Firstly to get the text to fit in the UI I have to turn off font scaling in Windows. While not the end of the world, having to change something in Windows, then change it back again is a pain. While the game runs fine in 4K, the lack of any UI or text scaling makes it very difficult to play. Both are really just on the edge of readable, both being larger would be a simple way to improve the experience (for me atleast) greatly. I don't have great eyes, so while the game is very enjoyable, it's really straining on my eyes, this is really the only thing stopping me getting some dlc right away.

Is there any word on if this might happen? There is one post from 2015 about font scaling being worked on, but I cannot see anything more recent. I've tried playing in 2500x1600, but it then the text doesn't fit the UI. Thanks!