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Attack Countered, from Compendium #1, German formation setup question???

Jay Townsend

Aug 19, 2013

Attack Countered, from Compendium #1, German formation setup question???​

On scenario: Attack Countered, from Compendium #1, the German setup uses Schtz Btl 107 but none of the units listed match to it, this must be a mistake, what formation should it be?

Jay Townsend

Aug 19, 2013
Compendium: Attack Countered

This scenario is kind of a mess straight out of Compendium Volume 1, first the German formation should state BECK not Schtz Btl 107, second the setup took a lot of guess work what AK05, F03. The Special rule talking about AB05, AR04, AP10 or AD11 and lastly the victory conditions of location AK09 and the 17 wood hexes. I figured out that AK09 must be K09 on map 16.

With that said, I had at it but with only 7 turns, the Germans could not control all 17 hexes in that amount of time and the American can simply spread-out across those 17 wood hexes around hex K09 and defend, knowing time is on their side.

This was one of the weaker scenarios I have played in the system so far, partly because of the confusion and partly because of the victory objective. This scenario could use a rewrite but there are much better ones to play, so on to those.