We have updated our forums to the latest version. If you had an account you should be able to log in and use it as before. If not please create an account and we look forward to having you as a member.
There are a few changes that are coming into the series. Here is the short list
Move and Shoot rules - Something that has been suggested by many fans of the system
Expanded smoke capabilities for units.
Overwatch - gives a unit the ability to move (not a full movement) and still have an opportunity fire.
Nation specific rules- This is an optional rule and gives units of specific nations special abilities that other countries do not have. For instance, German armored infantry (units moving in half-tracks) have the ability to move one hex after they dismount. US units have White Phosphorous capabilities,
There will be a design your own scenario set of rules.
Additionally the rule book has been re-written with lots of examples and rule summaries.
Thank you
Sean Druelinger
At present I believe the scenarios are still as balanced as before. From what has been tested there are no new needs to change the scenarios.
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